Rendering Enscape models in revit prevents us from using them in plans or other views. Many times it is even difficult to place them exactly, since the geometry that is seen in revit is not the one that is later seen in Enscape. This difference in...
When publishing drawings for construction, The enscape assets can remain as is on the 3D model which saves time. Otherwise, I usually have to hide all and add in company standard 2D assets to show correctly on orthographic layouts.
Why cant the enscape models just have a proper 2D view in plan? I assumed this would have been an basic request but causing a lot of additional work hours for us as users.
Especially in ArchiCAD, where we strive to have everything with a 2d AND 3d depiction, I would love to be able to keep all my trees (for example) as the 2d... Right now, nothing is usable as a 2d plan view.
Also, strive to make the 2d version DIMENSIONALLY consistent with the actual 3d. Even now, the 3d blobs in ArchiCAD are not accurate enough to reflect what I'll eventually see in enscape.
One of the things that stops me from using the asset library is this exact issue. I have updated this on some plants for site plan purposes, but it's more time consuming for many other things.
we tend to avoid using assets in drawings and sometimes start to create a twin only because we like to have a clean drawing. a placeholter would be very nice :)
the ability to modify or swap in your own 2d view is also important. If implemented please don't forget about archicad, even though gsm's are painful to deal with.
Because if the 3d models av unoptimized 2d displays, they become unusable for everything else other than 3d rendering. That results in having to furnish/decorate everything once for plan/facade output and again for 3d rendering. This is double wor...
VERY IMPORTANT AND WOULD BE GREAT TO HAVE. We usually have to turn off all enscape assets in floor plans to avoid the bad geometry enscape assets have.
One of the major complaints of the office is the performance of Revit after going through and rendering because the assets are so big.
Destiny Dooley
over 1 year ago
in New Feature
2D Placeholder
when we do early concept work we do quick plan sketches and may a render to accompanyi it so will help for this process. also at the other end of the process when we are detailing we still do renders and having 2d assets will help to keep the file...
In house, we are having to download all assets and convert them into rfa files to then underlay a 2D cad place holder for furniture to look correctly in plan. This process has to be done every update to catch up on new assets, to be able to pre-lo...
I am not certain I do understand this feature. CAD imports are bad for Revit performance. They do offer object snaps which images cannot provide. Would this idea be to provide very flat boxes for viewing in Enscape with the actual CAD design paste...
Some of these assets have so many edges that they ruin them if they were to be shown in a document view. I sometimes have to place multiple families in revit due to this. One for rendering, one for documentation. I am sure you can see how that wou...
This is totally possible when creating our own linked assets, but the lack of this as an option definitely discourages me from using many of the in product assets.
Joshua Tays
over 2 years ago
in New Feature
Enscape Assets should become a dynamic part of creating drawing sets as well as populating scenes for renderings / video walkthroughs. If Designers are going to take the time to carefully place Enscape Assets into their projects, the Assets might ...
This should be a first priority. We continually work in 3D and 2D environments and in Revit we end up wasting a lot of time using invisible lines to erase 3D geometry imported from enscape. If enscape automatically had simplified versions as a pla...
Currently we are having to use separate 2D and 3D assets in models - very wasteful. Our BIM Manager has edited Enscape assets to make them more useful in 2D views, but of course this is short lived as updates to assets removes this customisation
This would save an inordinate amount of time in generating good looking schematic furniture plans or sections with scale figures. 2-d graphics for 2-d views would save on performance and editing time
this would be a huge advantage, since no other render package provides such a functionality right now as far as I know. For architectural projects which normally involves a lot of changes this would significantly speed up the workflow.
Andreas Walther
about 2 years ago
in New Feature
Enscape Portal - vote for 2D Placeholder
Would be great to have a better 2D representation of assets so they could also be used for plans/documentation. Right now, we often use design options in Revit to manage the swapping of assets with better families for 2D
This would be great to be able to use Enscape assets for plans as well as renderings. Currently we have to swap out all furniture etc if it will be used for plans/presentation drawings.
right now we have to place the assets twice - we use layer "A" for 2d drawing assets out of archicad and layer "B" for the enscape assets for visualisation purposes. with a feature like that we could streamline our workflow and enhance the consist...
This could work very well in Revit -- similar to how the Link Enscape Asset to Revit Family currently works. Having things show up correctly in plan/elevation/etc would save us a lot of time and an odd workflow workaround where we have to have a s...
Very good! Badly needed especially in Archicad! Please also consider REFERENCING the assets as external link libraries instead of embedding (Archicad) as the embedded library in Archicad hugely affects performance (>100 MB!). Like LCF.
We need these especially more since the asset proxies and materials don't sho up in 2d view. I'm talking make2d option in rhino. So to have the opportunity to get a make 2d effect export option would be so beneficial.
we use enscape alot at our firm. and the 3D part of enscape looks good. one thing that annoyes me is that your furnatures, table chairs shelfs and so, doesnt look good good in a 2D planview. you can see all the polygons, and often we have to hide ...
Can you release assets that don't have their mesh edges showing in a Revit plan view? When using assets in Revit, in a floor plan view the the diagonal mesh edges show up and it makes the asset look messy. We often have to delete/hide the enscape ...
I think this is an important problem to fix, but using 2d representation is not the way to go in my opinion for these reasons: 1) This solution will create extra work for artists when creating assets because one will need to generate a 2d represen...
Pieter Schiettecatte
about 3 years ago
in New Feature
Enscape Portal - vote for 2D Placeholder
I currently edit all of the archicad GDL placeholders, so yes this would be a great addition the the object library system
Would save a lot of time getting Enscape assets to look correct in plan. Currently we have to manually draw out 2D details inside the asset families if we want to use Enscape assets. Often it can sometimes be quicker to just go with a native revit...
There is a way that is relatively straightforward for the Enscape team to make a nice 2D representation of their assets for plan, elevation, and section that can be controlled via a parameter visibility toggle. This would be a time consuming task ...
Super useful so i don't have to have two different assets under different worksets to display furniture in floor plans. Makes my workflow far more seamless.
I handle content requests at my firm, and lately, we've received a lot of requests for manufacturer specific furniture that is nearly impossible to model nicely in Revit alone. This is the perfect opportunity to use custom Enscape assets. However,...
the 3D-Assets also need to be improved, when adding furniture in ground view, this simply 2d is noce for that view, what about elevations and sections? need to be improved as well
This would remove the need of deleting or hiding the Enscape-objects when you want a clean floorplan. In some cases we even have 2 models. One with the Enscape-objects and one without. If these 2D-placeholders would also be visible in sectionviews...
Simple projections of 3D assets simplified form is not sufficient for presenting 2D drawings which means that you need have both the Enscape asset and a native object. The ability to map a native object to a Enscape asset similar to materials woul...
Viktor Hellborg
about 2 years ago
in New Feature
We have a well developed plan style for our drawings, and the 3D asset placeholders often show distracting triangulated surfaces in our plans. Having clean 2D placeholders will save us the step of having to hide enscape placeholders in all views a...
It would be helpful, but I feel that most of the users (especially Architects) have pretty strong preference on how things are presented in floorplan. Some countries might have fixed way of presenting certain things. That means, users should be ab...
A lot of times the models especially trees look very busy in plan or elevation view which then need to be hidden and a better 2D graphic has to placed on top. It can become very time consuming.
SIDEBAR: I have already "HACKED" some of the tree object to accomplish this... It is real easy to do and I'm happy to share my methodology. (of course, this will be specific to ARCHICAD)
Having a 2D placeholder in Archicad would prevent me from having to 'double up' on furniture in 2D and 3D, saving time whilst still ensuring that a developing model and design can be presented well on plan and section, not only in 3D
This is an extremely important feature. Especially since we have switched over to visualarq, I need 2 sets of placeholders, 1 3D, 1x plan, 1x section All in one option will be a gamechanger
As an architect, my primary software is robot. So making plans and elevations look good with two-dimensional black and white line work is paramount. Currently we use a rendering phase in Revit for all Enscape assets and draw our own line work for ...
Yes! This would be great. The mesh triangulation appearance is one of the main reasons we stray away from enscape families in revit today. Would love for this to happen.
Asset management is critical to us, but it absolutely existential to Enscape. If Enscape doesn't figure out a way to manage high-polygon assets and the low-polygon Revit families in Revit, we will continue our gradual transition to TwinMotion. We ...
PLEASE this would be great to have. there is a serious issue in having to swap between enscape assets and CAD assets that have sensible 2D representation. bonus points if we can draw the symbols ourselves windows / AC25
Within our agency we work with the combination Archicad + Enscape. Unfortunately, we are currently doing double work. This is because the 3D objects available in enscape, which look very good and detailed, are not shown in 2D. As a result, we alwa...
This is critical in Revit. The current placeholder is just a mesh and looks terrible in plans. We have to add another asset over it and hide the enscape file when printing. This will be a game changer in Revit!
We find we end up having to have a duplicate floor plan to hide the enscape assets for rendering, etc. and have our 'finished' floor plan saved separately. Like doing work twice - this would cut down on work!
And, more importantly, the place holders in Archicad need to be more realistic. Some users will want them turned on when creating a BIMx model. Trees, for instance are too opaque and overly simplified.
Wenn wir den Design Prozess des Archtekten unterstützen wollen und den Workflow harminosieren wollen, sollten wir auf CAD zeigen, was Architekten brauchen und nutzen können. Neben der 2D und 3D Grafik dins jedoch auch die Meta-Daten an den Objekte...
For interior design working drawing sets...most 3d assets do not need to be seen. 2D plan view place holders would be great for putting together interior design construction drawings. Would be great to be able to checkbox 2D placeholder and or 3D ...
The representation of the items in floor plans/elevations/sections is quite sketchy. A simple sofa has a lot of lines crossing which makes the drawing very messy. Trees and vegetation for instance, hav a better representation using 2D autocad item...