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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

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FW: Enscape User Group ideas and thoughts

I know this topic has been brought up before with some reluctance but, I am a big supporter of additional style modes.The current modes are none, white, polystyrol, light view. Being able to adjust the outlines is something I use on every rendering, and having a style that exports the view as a line drawing would be very helpful. Especially for capabilities in post-processing, or artistic endeavors.I have also not heard this topic in the user group as of yet but, if we are introducing the seasons for vegetation, and clothes on people, can we get some new capabilities for weather and seasons? For example, snow falling, rain, ice. Wet surfaces such as pavements. Etc.For example, this past winter I was creating a Holiday card and the front was a holiday scene of my firm’s new building, the addition of additional styles and snow, etc would have made post-processing less of an endeavor. Enscape is revolutionizing the rendering and the industry, so much so that 80% of the renderings I see now in the news, publications, students in schools, and colleagues at other firms are made with Enscape. Will this pose a deeper and growing problem now that all renderings look the same, with the same asset pool, image qualities, etc? How will renderings/visualizations differentiate themselves if 80% are made from the same program, Enscape? By allowing more styles, or artistic capabilities instead of focusing on the realistic image be of importance? I wouldn’t want people/the industry to begin to shy away from Enscape to stand out.Anyway, just some thoughts, and thanks for having me in the user group, always a pleasure.