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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Released
Created by Phil Read
Created on Dec 14, 2021

Revit Filters

Hello Enscape Team.

Buildings represent the amalgamation of.
Enscape does a great job of rendering. But Enscape does a very limited job of rendering.If Enscape would render color based on function we could expand Enscape's customer user base to people that need understand more than surface material and lighting: engineers, owners, builders and more need to explore and understand how a building functions. In Revit, filters can be used to assigned material values to parameters and range of parameters. Displaying the model with via filters allows you to visualize - Plumbing engineers can see pipes materialized based on function, quickly and easily being able to discern the functions of a piping system - interior designers can visualize fixtures, furnishings and other equipment based on values such as owner supplied, contractor supplied and vendor supplied - Architects can visualize a project based on which components are new and which are meant to be recycled - Contractors can visualize a model based on what has not been installed, what has been installed, what has been tested and inspected, and what is completed - Structural engineers can visualize a model based on the sizing of multiple structural elements which is otherwise indiscernible in first person My request is the Enscape display the color / materials based on Revit filters (the display of function and other parameter data) in order to dramatically expand the Enscape customer base and revenue.


Revit Filters

Just my five cents. This would have a huge impact IMO.Should this option be general or would you like to decide independently for each view to display these overrides in Enscape? - independently for each view, just like Revit treats them. There's ...
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Upvote Transparency Slider for walls and objects

Dear PM team,The user Christopher Joseph Tuey () requested an upvote on the existing feature to allow users to control transparency of walls, floors and structural elements.This refers to the existing request found in the forums here:Salesforce ca...
Guest about 4 years ago in  0 Released

Connect current Revit Design Options to a View upon creation

Hello! I have a request from a user that Revit Design Options be respected when batch rendering. Currently the batch rendering function does not take into account which Design Option is active when batch rendering – the Design Option is taken into...
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 Released

Revit Filters

Hi, i work in the building services industry co-ordinating M&E Servcies using revit. I think the software is great for architecture, structural and lighting etc and i have acheieved some great images for clients. However myself and a client ha...
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

For Revit MEP, this feature is indispensable.
Guest about 1 year ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

Being able to do this within enscape (and not in the base 3D view from Revit) would be great. Especially as we get later into construction details, we will turn off MEP model, structural model, etc to help clean up our enscape views.
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0 Released

IP meeting with BIMTM

Works primarily with MEP subcontractors Mostly electricians in the field, come in during coordination and construction Not an engineering firm but works withengineers Work depends on client Specialty is in shop drawing (PDF, BIM 360, Navisworks) N...
Joachim Hirsch about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

This would fundamentally transform what we can use Enscape for. Right now it's limited to photorealistic or clay renders only. Being able to have it be clay in some parts but not others, or highlight certain things, would make it an indispensable ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

IP meeting with Jacobs

The biggest issue is with clash detection A big issue is toomany tools Always a benefit if you can eliminate a set of tools or software Would like a mechanism for clash detection within Revit Otherwise needs to use 3rdparty software Detect clash, ...
Lena Hoffmann about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

No description provided
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

This would be highly useful when communicating structural & mechanical elements in a model. As the project develops, the focus often shifts to more practical issues and having a feature to easily & quickly highlight elements would make dis...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Supporting Filters in Revit

If you don’t know why this is important and the VERY helpful workflow this would unlock, please let me know and we can set up a quick web meting where I can show you the customer workflow
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Released

Revit Filters

Support for Revit filters would open open us Enscape to a new type of users and allow designers, engineers and contractors to go beyond viz of materials and light and start to vizulize data.
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Released

IP meeting with BCA Architects and Engineering

Winning the Work Most projects won through interviews Show renders and past projects to show skills Does not have a high-quality visualization workflow established Most projects are schools/institutional Very fiscally minded Schematic Design Uses ...
Joachim Hirsch about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Revit Filters

would be great to control objects with filter controls
Guest 8 months ago in Other 0 Released

IP meeting with Integral Group

Winning the Work Depends on the project Starts with BIM requirements or project specific requirements Will show examples of past projects, visualizations if available: Section cut of floor to see systems (show coordination betweenstructure and ser...
Joachim Hirsch about 2 years ago in  0 Released

IP meeting with Optima Engineering

Winning the Work It depends on the project and relationship with architect andclient Mostly RFPs Will show past projects PPT Presentations, photos of completed projects, past plans Sustainability and building performance are important for winning ...
Joachim Hirsch about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

No description provided
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

The current enscape specification requires attaching materials, and while front-loading is done during the REVIT modeling process, attaching materials is additional work.The information required by the worker and the parties involved in the study ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

We do a lot of site studies with clients on large projects like amphitheaters, and it helps to filter certain areas with a color to explain what area we are referring to. Since Revit 3d views allow this, it would help if Enscape could track with t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

for rendering
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

for rendering
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

No description provided
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

very important program
Guest over 1 year ago in  0 Released

Revit Workflow

I wishes is that Enscape could have a way to control Worksets within Revit. Meaning if the building is in an Arch workset, it could be ‘grayed-out’. The only way I could accomplish this is either have the arch model in a previous phase or change a...
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 Released

Display Revit Filters in Enscape

real-time client reviews
Guest about 1 year ago in  0 Released