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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Accepted
Created by hussein hamed
Created on Aug 19, 2023

Real displacement

I need Real displacement


Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Advanced Displacement option for material-it is absolutely irreplaceable for modern renderer irreplaceable: Otherwise many users will switch to other more modern soft in future time
Guest almost 3 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Correction of edges when a texture uses Displacement : Today Enscape allow to set a displacement on textures. But it just looks like a trick for light, exactly how Bump works. On the edges of your volumes, there is no displacement at all. It seems...
Guest about 2 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Displacment on wall corners! PLEASE find a way to make it. even a little effect is much better then nothing...
Ofri Gerber almost 2 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Important

Creation of Tessellation to get a photorealistic quality of bricks and stone and similar material. Unfortunately right now the displacement is fake and you see this in the corner. Sometimes is usless if you are just doing a render of a masorny fac...
Guest over 2 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Implement an option to displace edges of a material applied surface with a deep displacement map texture. Fore example Brick, Stone, Profiled Cladding Etc. To add this definition of detail would give Enscape such a boost.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Advanced shaders: Seperate Channel for Parralax Displacement vs Normal Displacement, Subsurface Scattering, Decals, Fall-Offs (ie. Velour, mohair type fabrics) Round/chamfered corners...etc. I've been waiting for the last two years for more advanc...
Guest over 2 years ago in Assets & Materials / Rendering Quality 0 Accepted