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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Batch import/export materials

Getting the ball rolling with requests. It’s great that we can import materials! With that in mind I proceeded to transfer my Sketchup Material Library created back in 2.X to the Enscape Library. We should be able to export more than one material at the same time (I had to do 30 times “Export…”) (that’s how many materials we have in our basic library) When importing I should be able to select a folder just like a material Package that way I can import all my presets (and in different included folders as well would be really helpful to keep organized) However I’d like to have them part of the custom with organization in the actual Enscape Library. Not to be forced to bring all my materials at once in the Material Editor per model/scene. Talking editor, when bringing the library again, it should recognize the image being already there if it’s the second time I import the material Package in a different model.


Enscape Portal - new idea - Not important

trying create a company standard library of custom Enscape materials. Would like the ability to batch export "custom" textures. Right now they have to export materials 1 by 1. It's a very tedious and time consuming process.
Daniel Monaghan over 1 year ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted