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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Combine Displacement and Normal maps


I think it will make our materials much more realistic if we had the option to add

Displacement and Normal maps at the same time

right now we have to choose between them


Javad Hamidi


Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Please allow for normal and displacement textures to be used together. Currently you have to choose between one of the other. To achieve full realism, both should be used as normal maps provide the fine layer of detail and displacement modifies th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Enscape will allow you to use either Normal or Displacement texture maps, but not both at the same time. These textures of serve different functions where displacement modifies the general shape properties at a rough level and Normal maps act to c...
Guest over 1 year ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Critical

Allow normal and displacement maps to both be used at the same time. Each is designed to show a different type of detail and would increase the realism of images significantly. This already works in the enscape engine as there is a method to merge...
Guest over 2 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Direct feedback for a feature

In other rendering engines it is possible to use both maps simultaneously. This gives the best effect in 3d
Przemysław Mężyński about 3 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Important

Multiply channels of bump, roughness, displacement and so on
Guest almost 2 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - vote for Dual-Layer Materials

Theres so many pbr materials that (to achieve the realistic look) need multiple bumps.
Guest about 2 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - vote for Dual-Layer Materials

i face this in tiles for example if i want make tiles joints with displacement and add some bumps on tile it self using bump or normal map . i donno know if this can be in Dual-Layer or should be a Dual maps. also for adding some ivy on plaster wa...
ayman ismail almost 3 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - vote for Dual-Layer Materials

Adding this additional layer of complexity would greatly help. Additionally, if it could also be incorporated to allow for the use of displacement and bump maps together in a single material. This feature alone would increase realism drastically.
Guest about 2 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Important

please add another highet map channel in material editor (different for displacment and bump) for patterned textures (for example: an acustic wall with patterns on)
Ofri Gerber over 1 year ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Enscape Portal - new idea - Important

HI :)) please add another (second) height map to the material editor! for example: to create spaces between tiles in any pattern i choose on seemless texture
Ofri Gerber 11 months ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted

Upvote Displacement+Bump/Normal Map FR

Dear PM Team,   The user Lam Anh ( ) requested to be able to use displacement and bump maps simultaneously.   Please upvote the corresponding FR.   Kind regards. Lautaro   Hunzicker Customer Support Mi...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Assets & Materials 0 Accepted