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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Accepted
Categories Assets & Materials
Created by IT Services
Created on Oct 30, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ENSCAPE-I-1412 Assets in matching Revit categories.

Publish Enscape asset names

sketchup is not the best at organisation. we are using a script to export the names of all the objects to then filter out the enscape assets, which we then put back through another script to place these assets on a layer, e.g treets, other vegetation, people, etc.
publishing the names of all the enscape objects prior would aid us immensely as we dont have to build the model to use an object to be able to then extract its name.
it would speed this proicess up immensley.

  • Admin
    Dilyana Neykova
    Oct 31, 2024

    Thank you for sharing this! Just to clarify, is the main challenge you're trying to solve the correct layer assignment for Enscape assets? If so, would a dedicated feature that allows direct organization of Enscape assets into layers (like trees, vegetation, people, etc.) be a helpful solution? This could streamline the process without requiring manual extraction of asset names.

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