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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Accepted
Categories New Feature
Created by MaloneXI
Created on Sep 5, 2024

Moving object in VR ?

Hi all !
Working on a scene in VR with one of my client , he asked me if , once in scene, could we move objects directly in Enscape .
I told him that for now , it's not yet implemented.
But for the kind of work we doing , retail design , it could be interesting to move assets once they are draged on the scene. I don't know if moving assets on enscape could have an impact on sketchup scene. But I'm not a developer.

But it could be a true good experience for people like us to extract ourselves from sketchup and being autonomous inside Enscape.

Glad if I help with such a suggestion !

Thank you ! Keep on great work !

  • Admin
    Joachim Hirsch
    Sep 6, 2024

    Are you explicitly talking about Enscape Assets, Custom Assets or objects in general?

    And yes, moving any object will have an effect on the project in the host application as we want to maintain the original project as the singe source of truth.