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Chaos Enscape Ideas Portal

The online platform for Enscape users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.

Status Released
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 2, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ENSCAPE-I-170 Artistic Visual Modes.

Artistic Visual Modes

I love working with SketchUp/Enscape and the visual quality is great. However......sometimes the visual quality can give me issues on a presentation because it is so specific, a client can fixate on a colour or detail and create a negative within the sales pitch. I currently build a model in Sketchup and just add a few basic colours to what is effectively a white model (this saves time)....I then render in Enscape and export that into a third party software to add filters, pencil sketch, watercolour, mixed media etc. This way I offer the client a 'Concept Sketch' which always goes well with a client, its quicker for me to do, presents me as a 'creative designer' and negates the clients ability to fixate on detail. This also helps my workflow and profit on the job.I charge now for 'Concept Development' and when that is approved I charge for 'Design Development' where I add the agreed textures and colours to go back to the client with a full render. If filters could be added to Enscape to allow me to see the render in various artistic modes that would be incredible! The examples you show on this article are a step forward but they are still too specific and they look like a full visual with the clouds filtered out so not a lot of use. You need filters that create a proper 'sketch version' of the visual. I teach SketchUp and Enscape at University and my students agree with me that having the ability to produce 'Concept Sketches' would be a game changer.I have many examples of 'Sketch Renders' I have produced using filters on an Enscape visual if you would like me to send examples.Kind Regards,Martin (UK)